The Shapes Is What You Hold

20. 5. 2023 od 10 do 19 hodin
vernisáž: 19. 5. 2023 od 19 hodin

Galerie Fotograf, Jungmannova 7, Praha 1


Na závěr výstavy Memory and Desire stirring ožije galerie Fotograf dalšími uměleckými díly! Jejich autory a autorkami jsou studenti a studentky Ateliéru s hostujícím umělcem UMPRUM, který v tomto semestru vedou Özlem Altın a Sláva Sobotovičová.

The Shapes Is What You Hold


Can we recognize these arms that grow like branches and spread out imitating the horizon?
Seeds in the sun
Or perhaps into the wind
What is the earth to which we belong?
It is the earth that forms a body inside our body
Everything is vague
The air, the time, the crowd
And yet, we move, towards where? Perhaps towards the illusion of ahead or of the future
Or perhaps we need to look back, to wonder, to feel, and
With memories, make us stronger and move forward.
Memory can be rock, rock hard and alone. 
Or maybe we said solid?
Back to the earth
To the salt
Or maybe just go back
To recognize ourselves and remember "I am one as all, and as all I am one*".

 Joanie Guerrero
(*quote from Jorge Eduardo Eielson)

Vystavující: Magnolia Fajardo, Joanie Guerrero, Tereza Hlaváčová, Marie Holá, Šenay Kobak, Marek Mirčev, Elle Peterka, Rozálie Ponocná, Chien Shih Yun, Hubert Švaříček, Daniil Tsvetkov, Iveta Ťupová, Elizabeta Vuová, Antonie Zichová, Klára Žantová
Kurátorské a pedagogické vedení: Özlem Altin
Koordinace: Sláva Sobotovičová