About Czech's sewing face masks in the world media

The non-profit help of all of those who have sewing machines at home and that dove into sewing face masks reached the pages of the world media. The activities of UMPRUM students are also mentioned.

About Czech's sewing face masks in the world media


The efforts of ordinary Czechs to engage in the fight against the spread of coronavirus are reaching the world media. And we are not just talking about very practical and helpful solutions and discoveries of technical schools. This concern awakened a wave of solidarity of people who started producing cloth face masks for people who are the most in need. Not to be missed amidst them is the work of students of the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague, who were among the first to sit at their sewing machines. The British Vogue, Daze Digital and i-D wrote about them.


Daze Digital: https://www.dazeddigital.com/fashion/article/48408/1/fashion-students-sewing-masks-help-battle-coronavirus-prague-phoebe-english

i-D: https://i-d.vice.com/en_uk/article/dygj9w/how-fashion-students-around-the-world-are-responding-to-the-coronavirus-crisis

Vogue: https://www.vogue.co.uk/news/article/fashion-industry-rallies-together-coronavirus