Anna Holínská: Cocoon

A n n a  H o l í n s k á
Opening: 5.12, 19:00 @galerienika
5. 12. -31. 12.

Anna Holínská: Cocoon

We peer into a scene that reminds us of what we know intimately. A place we return to when we need to leave the repetitive productive patterns. Our constructs shine through and separate our inner retreats outside of time zones. A tired being has decided to become a larva, to return to a state of expectation. It has discovered that change can happen silently and inaudibly, and that natural growth can be spontaneous.
In her exhibition project Cocoon, artist Anna Holínská explores the theme of protection and the creation of a safe space for rest. The site-specific installation combines metal, wood, clay and fabric to create a multi-layered environment. NIKA becomes a stage for a moment of fragile rest in which to unfold, gain strength and dream. To shed the heavy garment of reality and wrap ourselves in a cocoon whose solid shell separates us from the world for a while and lets us rest. But at the same time, a new line of vision opens up, one that questions the availability of good rest for all without distinction. It may look different for each of us, but we should all have it. Be it at home or in the Maldives.

Artist: Anna Holínská
Curators: Agáta Hošnová & Karolína Voleská
Graphic design: Michal Tůma

Video: Marie Hantáková