A2: Crip Camp

CRIP CAMP: projekce filmu a diskuse
Ateliér Architektury II , pod vedením Evy Franch i Gilabert a Alžběty Brůhové, zve na první ze série filmových a diskuzních večerů, které jsou součástí výuky ateliéru A2/FAP se semestrálním zadáním Utopický impulz; from the Planet to Prague.
A2: Crip Camp
Kafkárna, 15. října od 19 hodin
2022 1h 46m, USA
Down the road from Woodstock, a revolution blossomed at a ramshackle summer camp for teenagers with disabilities, transforming their lives and igniting a landmark movement. In the early 1970s, teenagers with disabilities faced a future shaped by isolation, discrimination and institutionalization. Camp Jened, a ramshackle camp "for the handicapped" in the Catskills, exploded those confines. Jened was their freewheeling Utopia, a place with summertime sports, smoking and makeout sessions awaiting everyone, and campers who felt fulfilled as human beings. Their bonds endured as they migrated West to Berkeley, California - a promised land for a growing and diverse disability community - where friends from Camp Jened realized that disruption and unity might secure life-changing accessibility for millions.

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